<input type="checkbox">

  • IE
  • Cr
  • Sf
  • Fx
  • O

The INPUT element defines an input field. When you specify "checkbox" for the type attribute of this element, a checkbox is created.

<input type="checkbox" name="example" value="check1">Check1

<input type="checkbox" name="example" value="check2" checked>Check2

Attribute Value Explanation
type=" " checkbox the type of input field
name=" " field name a unique name for the field
value=" " initial value this value is submitted
checked checked that checkbox is checked
(HTML : checked | XHTML : checked="checked")
Creates a checkbox on the form.
The field name is used to identify the form field. Several checkboxes can share the same field name, and the plural can be selected within that.
This value is submitted to the server when selected.
That checkbox is checked in the initial state.


<form method="POST" action="example.cgi">

Do you agree? :
<input type="checkbox" name="agree" value="yes">Yes



Do you agree? : Yes

This form cannot submit because of a sample.

Example of having selected the two checkboxes

<form method="POST" action="example.cgi">

What's your favorite animal? :
<input type="checkbox" name="animal" value="dog">Dog
<input type="checkbox" name="animal" value="cat" checked>Cat
<input type="checkbox" name="animal" value="bird">Bird
<input type="checkbox" name="animal" value="fish">Fish
<input type="checkbox" name="animal" value="bear" checked>Bear



What's your favorite animal? : Dog Cat Bird Fish Bear

This form cannot submit because of a sample.